Crowning Poetry Slam Champions

By Tyler French, Innovation and Partnerships Director

Poetry Slam Champion Beatboxing

Poetry Slam Champion Beatboxing

Story Tapestries just completed a two-week residency program at Pemberton Elementary School. This is the second year we have served Pemberton with artists-in-residence in language arts, history and math classrooms, performances, and professional development for teachers. In every classroom students built their writing skills, creating poetry in language arts and crafting their own word problems in math.

The program culminated with a final celebration and poetry slam. Teachers were surprised and impressed by which students ended up in the poetry slam finals. Students who were usually quiet and more hesitant to share in class found and developed their voices and confidence working with Story Tapestries artists. Additionally, teachers witnessed fewer behavioral issues and fully engaged classrooms throughout the residency.

One such student was crowned slam champion. After giving his final, winning performance, he took the Story Tapestries artists aside and told them, “You know, I’m also a beatbox artist.” He then, off the cuff, layered his final poem with beatboxing.

We love sharing these stories because YOU helped create them.

Your support not only unlocks the potential of future artists but also fosters students’ literacy skills and social emotional development in all aspects of their lives. Thank you so much for being part of the movement that brings art into the classrooms and puts fun into learning reading, writing, spoken word and so much more!


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